Highlight Hollywood News - September 10, 2012

WAHA Presents ‘Entertaining Lives’, The 22nd Annual Living History Tour At Angelus Rosedale Cemetery

On Saturday, September 29, at the 22nd annual Living History Tour, visitors will “meet” some of Los Angeles’s most interesting early performers and entertainment industry personages as costumed actors, at graveside, portray the lives of a Civil War-era escape artist, a headlining dancer who lost her life in the 1933 Long Beach earthquake, a mezzo soprano who fought for civil rights, and a Chinese-American dancer/actor/MC, among other quirky and wonderful characters. Tours depart every 25 minutes from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Advance reservations are required.

This year’s tour commemorates not only Los Angeles’s longtime role as the center of this country’s entertainment industry, but also the roles several of these personages played in the larger history of civil rights. In addition, the tour memorializes the 150th anniversary of the Civil War (1861-1865).

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